Appley ever after.
Have I ever mentioned we have an orchard? Well, orchard might be stretching it a bit. We have a semi-fenced section with various trees in various states of decay from lack of care. Neither of us knows how to deal with them all.
Anyway, among the trees are a couple of apple trees. Every year, we say we ought to pick the apples. Every year, we leave it too late, the birds eat them, they rot, end up on the floor and get wasted. ("Always stick to the path. Never eat a windfallen apple. And never trust a man whose eyebrows meet in the middle").
It's not that we're lazy, but neither of us are that good with ladders and it's so uneven and the trees are in such a state that we wouldn't feel safe climbing up. Not anymore.
This week, Mr Marmadaisy bought himself some scaffolding for a few jobs outside, and what a perfect excuse to have a practice run at putting it up. Of course, the goats were on hand to deal with any that we dropped.
They are quite difficult to eat whole, apparently.
Anyway, we haven't weighed and sorted them yet - they need to be sorted into "eating", "horses" and "juicing" but we have 3 trays full. I wish I knew how to make cider.
very nice! hahahahaha
Great goat picture. I never thought I'd be saying that to you!
As soon as I read the title I knew that the "The Company of Wolves" quote was coming in there somewhere. Just how many times did we watch that movie??
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