Thursday, 10 April 2008

Room With a View

I've just finished this week's tutorial which is another "thing you didn't know you needed to make".

I actually had the idea whilst working on my OU course, but speaking to my mum yesterday she mentioned another use which is even better. So I guess mums really do know best after all.

In the meantime, I thought you might like to see my view from my sewing room window - my sewing machine and desk are right in front of this window so I get lots of light and have a nice distraction. If I'd known I was going to take this pic I would probably have moved my car!

Of course, this is Wales so in the time it took to make the tutorial it has gone dark and started raining. I'll try to remember to post another picture in the summer when everything looks a bit cheerier.


. said...

Well, it looks a lot nicer than the current view from my window - which is of a bunch of scruffy looking sixth form student!

Looking forward to seeing what tomorrow's FQF has to offer.


kerri said...

Your view is much more inspiring than mine. All I can see is my neighbour's yard full of junk and a big empty space where the town barn burned down, across the street from the fire department hehe

Joanne said...

Oh yes. North Wales. Beautiful.

cute car too ;)

April said...

Lovely view (nice car too!)

April xx

Joanna said...

packing my bags moving in tomorrow. I dont take up much room honest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!